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JM Solar, a professional solar integrated solution provider in China, is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to R&D of solar modules, on/off/hybrid solar systems, lithium batteries, and ESS. With overseas branches and a professional team in support, JM Solar not only manufactures solar products but also designs, invests in, and installs solar systems across the Chinese mainland. We have invested in 100MW of solar systems.


What are the types of solar cells?


Solar cells are mainly divided into monocrystalline silicon solar cells, polycrystalline silicon solar cells and thin film solar cells. The mainstream monocrystalline silicon solar cells on the market are divided into P-type and N-type. Among them, the more popular P-type is Perc, N-type has Topcon, hJT, and HPBC.


Difference of Perc, Topcon, HPBC and HJT


1Solar Cell TechnologyPerc is emitter passivation and back contact cell that uses oxide local passivation technology to increase the limit efficiencyto around 30%Topcon is a solar cell technology based on-N-type silicon wafers.It untilized a thin tunnel oxide layer and highly doped polycrystalline silicon film in the metal electrode region to form a passivated contact structure, thereby improving power generation efficiency.HPBC is an independently developed cell technology based on N-Type siliconwafers by longi green energy technology co.,ltd.it adopts high-temerature processes and has a relatively high conversion efficiencyHJT is a heterojunction solar cell that mainly involves changing the positive N-type crystallinesilicon layer to amorphous silicon and using N-type silicon wafers and amorphous silicon to form  a PN junction, reducing recombination losses at PN junction
2Conversion Efficiency23%25%25%24.5%
3Process Complexity9 processesTOPCON is three steps more than PERC, with a total of 12 processesHPBC is similar to that ofPERC but includes high-temperature processes.HJT is relatively simple with onlyseven processes.
Topcon is similar to that of PercHPBC has a relatively low cost mainly benefiting from high-temerature processes and mature production process.The cost of HJT is relatively due to its low-temperature processesand high equipmentrequirements.

What’s the difference between Monfacial and Bifacial solar panels


Solar panels have monofacial and bifacial panels, in which the monofacial solar panel is composed of a single layer of glass and a sandwich backplane, while the bifacial solar panel uses two layers of glass. Bifacial solar panels have a higher power generation than monofacial solar panels, because bifacial solar panels can generate electricity on both sides, which can increase the power generation efficiency by about 10%. The linear warranty for bifacial solar panels is usually 30 years, while the linear warranty for monofacial solar panels is 25 years.


Disadvantages of Bifacial Solar panels Compared to Mono facial Panel


Module TypeBifacial Solar moduleMonofacial solar module
Initial CostsHigherLower
Installation CostsHigerlower

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